Vanessa Wye
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 Vanessa has over 20 years coaching experience and has worked in the field of leadership development for 25 years.

She has master level coaching qualifications and is professionally accredited by both the ICF and AoEC.

She leads on all client assignments and brings in her international team of associates to match for language and specialist area of expertise. They are similarly experienced and qualified: it is about best fit for the client.

 They offer a range of creative techniques which clients enjoy and report that they provide a way to access different thinking than just talking issues through. These are always offered rather than mandated and the coachee can choose. These techniques include, vision work, use or creation of images, constellations, chair work, practise of conversations and embodiment of the desired feeling or behaviour. Clients have usually never previously tried these alternative ways to access a fresh perspective and they enjoy and benefit from the experience.

 The team has hundreds of hours of experience of coaching over digital platforms with the use of video and feedback has been excellent.

I met Vanessa after being paired with her as part of digital coaching pilot. Despite having some initial reservations about the effectiveness of digital coaching I quickly found myself to be a complete convert! Vanessa was an excellent coach, personable and genuinely insightful. She was quick to make me feel at ease and very good at helping to pin point specific areas of development which in turn helped me to instil new discipline to old habits. I would have no hesitation recommending and working with her again
— Caroline Taylor, Head of People at
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 Vanessa is Professionally Certified by the International Coach Federation.

Executive coaching, Leadership coaching, Coaching, Team coaching, Thinking partner, Hampshire, London, South East, Team Development, Personal development, PCC, ICF, Accredited Coach